Butte Campus
Morning - Sunday School 10:00am
Morning Worship - 11:00am
Atkinson Campus
Afternoon Worship - 3:00pm
Tuesday, Ladies Bible Study 10:00am
Bible study for women of all ages at Twin Butte Villa common room in Butte. If you would like more information, please contact Juanita Bernhardt or Janet Eggert.
Upper Room Ministries – Butte campus sanctuary 7:00pm
Join us in a time of corporate prayer for our church, community, country and world. For prayer requests and praise reports, please email or drop a note into the offering box.
Wednesday, Atkinson campus –
Join Pastor Tim Live on Facebook Lighthouse Assembly of God Butte NE 6:00pm
Bible Study for all ages on campus 7:00pm
Thursday, Butte Campus Mid-week Bible Study 7:00pm
Join us as we go deeper in the Bible.